What is the apocalypse?


To know what the apocalypse is, you must know what a synonym is. A Synonym is a word that means exactly or nearly the same as another word. For example, close and shut. If I had to say, close the door please or shut the door please, it would result in the same action from the person acting on my request. This is because there is an understanding that both words, though spelled and pronounced differently, mean the same thing.

Synonyms for the word revelation are disclosure – exposure – detection – uncovering and apocalypse.


How does revelation(apocalypse) work?

Part 1

The best way to explain how revelation works is to distinguish between a subjective opinion which is a perception that is based on what you understand through reading what something looks like and an objective understanding that is based on what you have seen or that has been revealed to you.

You can try this at home with your family or at a cell if you are attending one. I did this with my cell at home to explain the difference between revelation and knowledge.

Take a picture of a landscape that is not too complicated and explain everything you see using words written on a piece of paper. You can see it as writing an instruction manual on how to draw what you see using words. You can be as descriptive as you like, depending on how much time you want to spend on it. Give it to the people and ask them to draw what they understand according to what is written. Once everybody is complete you can compare the picture you have and what each person drew.

You will find that no two pictures are the same and no picture is the same as the picture you try to explain using words.